That's how the Noodle Incident happened." For the inversion, where a character mistakes a serious statement for a joke, see My God, You Are Serious!.Ĭan also apply when swapping "joking" for "theorizing" (thought of that years ago, never had the guts to try it) or even an Epic Fail that isn't well known "Someone tried it once. I Wished You Were Dead is a particularly cruel variant.

Joke and Receive is similar, but in that trope, the joke is or will become real without the need for someone else to take the joking character's suggestion seriously. If Alice suggests a course of action that Bob actually carries out, it's a Rhetorical Request Blunder. If Alice's suggestion had reminded Bob of a different idea instead, that's a "Eureka!" Moment. Alice makes a wild, off-the-wall suggestion as a joke that Bob takes literally, such as, "Well, unless you want to go rob a bank, we're broke." / "That's a great idea!" / "What? I was just joking!".Alice uses a metaphor that she either forgets or is unaware applies perfectly literally in Bob's case, e.g., " You Look Like You've Seen a Ghost.".Basically, Alice says something meant entirely as a joke that Bob takes completely seriously. "Am I not in sport?" This line results from a conversation between unequally genre blind characters. Prince Adam, Beauty and the Beast (2017)